Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thank-FULL! November 2008

This time of year holds a special place in my heart for MANY reasons. I am so "Full" of thanks for ALL that I have.

Tanner Christian Chidester was baptized today and I could not be more proud of him and his decision to do so. I was just released from the primary persidency a couple of months ago, while being in Primary I was over the Baptisms, so I had been to MANY!

Today with it being My family and my oldest (not by much) son, I cannot explain the feelings of such a special experience. It was amazing. I cannot belive he is 8! Tanner you are an amazing boy and I know that you have many wonderful things in store for you. thank you for choosing me for your mother, I am so Lucky!

We also Celebrated Both of the boys Birthdays this past week Tanners was on November 21st he turned 8. Tristans was on November 23rd and he turned 7. ( I know they are 1 year and 1 day apart). They are getting SO BIG!

We Celebrated by Taking the whole family in The Polar Express (Heber Creeper) and it was so much fun to have my family all there.

Even Grandma and Grandpa Northrup were able to come. My Grandpa has survived cancer (hence the patch) & is now struggling with some unexplained seizures, we were so happyto have him be here with us!

Oh,and a very special visit from Santa Claus!

Grandma kept telling me the next day how much fun she had, that made me happy. Next Year we are going to take the entire family!


mindy said...

Oh my, I can't believe your kids are that big! What fun to take the whole family on the train...

Nancy said...


2Again Now said...
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2Again Now said...

Isn't the Polar Express THE BEST!! I'm so happy that you went!!! And that so many of your family members joined you!!!! Did you get your bell? Or did you have a hole in the pocket of your robe? :o)

Alexie said...

Your family is so adorable. I am so glad we were able to make it to the baptism. it was so wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I'm thankfull for you and I love you.