Sunday, November 2, 2008

Grandma turns 75!

We Celebrated my Grandmothers 75th Birthday at my Aunts Cabin in Midway.
Tanner gave Granma 1 kiss instead of 75 spankin's

Tristan was'nt sure about the kiss, but grandma was going in , he's just too cute to resist! WATCH OUT GIRLS!!!


Nancy said...

TIFFANY! I love you. You are such a sweetheart. Your pictures are adorable. Thank you for being so good to me ... my angel friend.

mindy said...

ummmm, hi!! I know Daniel and I haven't kept in touch with you guys, but we think about you lots. Hooray for the internet so we can stumble on old friends' blogs!!

Tamara said...

Hi Tiffany! I didn't realize you had a blog - I love the title!

BTW - you looked beautiful at church today - love the new do!

Anonymous said...

Hey ya, my favorite sister. So, you are in trouble. I didn't know you had made a blog. Nancy left me a comment today, so I was looking at hers and found yours. So cute! I love you.